Experience the Unmetered
Tired of bandwidth limit? Try our affordable unmetered bandwidth service.*
Inkluderet i alle pakker
- Monthly Bandwidth - Unmetered
- Hosted Domains Allowed - Unlimited
- Subdomains - Unlimited
- cPanel
- Datacenter Location - UK
- Databases - Unlimited
- MySQL Databases
- Apache Webserver
- PHP MyAdmin
- Processor - Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2620 v3 @ 2.40GHz
- PHP - 5.2-5.6, 7.0-7.4, 8.0-8.1
- Webmail
- Jellyfish Spam Protection
- Apache Handlers Manager
- Hotlink Protection
- MIME Types Manager
- Redirect Manager
- Server Status Viewer
- Customizable php.ini
- Advanced DNS Zone Editor
- SSL/TLS Manager
- Softaculous Script Installer